Tag Archives: Book Covers

#MondayBlog is here! Woo!

I can’t believe I’m actually writing a post on Monday! Usually, my Mondays are jam packed with house cleaning and errands to replace snacks eaten during the weekend. That, and I just forget.

So a couple of posts ago, I went into the dubious joy of changing covers. They’ve not made a bit of difference. While I received some valuable feedback on the text inside and why the story might not be working, that doesn’t explain the lack of sales. No one is buying it to give bad reviews to hamper sales. The covers and those male torsos aren’t leading readers to buy just to lick the covers, either. Alas, I must market and that’s a future post. My business partner and I are throwing all sorts of marketing spaghetti on the wall and I’ll report back what sticks.

Meanwhile, because pretty pictures are fun, here are some before and afters in the manual cover art. This is for Unfortunate, Daggart’s story. A short work for those who’ve read Undeniable and wondered whatever happened to their favorite villain.

It’s pretty, crude, monochromatic, much like the characters and their landscape. There’s even a horse trough where Daggart is found at the beginning of the story. Hooray, right?
IMG_1657Not so much. I kept getting a lot of critique on it, about how one tone, the buildings, just eh in general from those I polled. I liked it, but not a lot of other people did.


So what was next?






Unlike the picture above, this one wasn’t painted with precise little strokes. It was done with bold colors and a bold hand. I was afraid of the style being too different from the prior paintings. So, I made sure to use the exact same colors in this painting as I did in every other one. While the colors are carried from one painting to the other, the ratios aren’t and that gives them a familiar but different feel.

I also wanted to highlight the warm arid feel of California. The only tough part? Not painting a covered wagon and who knows? I might go ahead and add one in later.

In the digital age of publishing, everything is fixable.


Book Covers Before and After

If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you likely know about my Very Manly series of books. All two of them. There’s four in the entire series, but the last two won’t see the light of day if the sales for the first two don’t pick up. I’m an artist and a business owner. Do I want to spend my time writing and then spend the money on editing and book covers to do so at a loss? No.

Here are the two covers for the series, before. Notice how the photography is professional, the fonts clear? There’s some color and detail but not so much it’s overwhelming or difficult to see as a thumbnail. You can also see them in their natural habitat over at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and everywhere else.


In progress!

In stores now!











Nice, right? Not huge eye catching best sellers in the contemporary romance department, either. And by ‘not huge’ I mean sad, very very sad.

So what to do? To take my editor’s sage advice and give them a professional makeover. I hired someone to help me ratchet up the sex, which I did by having Carrie at Cheeky Covers help me out. I’d admired her work done for a friend of mine, Ava Branson, and needed her expertise.

This is what she came up with.












Nice, right? It’s way too soon to tell if the covers affect sales. Probably in six weeks, if nothing has seen a bump in downloads, I’ll have my answer. The stories are solid and professionally edited, so I know they’re good. Every time I go over a proof, I love what I read so if nothing else, there’s one person who loves these books. I’m not sure if that’s enough to write The Very Rich Man and The Very Poor Man, but I have those stories and covers planned just in case.

So. What do YOU think? Enticing or meh?

#MondayBlogs Post on Creating Cover Art

I thought it would be fun for today’s post to feature how I paint the Cover Art for my Oregon Trail series. My free prequel, Unavoidable, needs a cover so here we go!

First is a sketch.  I have my misgivings already.













Next is getting together the paints I might need.  The  season is mid Spring, so there’s not a lot of green.











I’m not feeling the love for this…










Ok, this is a no-go.  The trees are off, I don’t like the cabin.  Just no.  So I tore off the canvas and found…











This!  An earlier reject that I can salvage.





Much better!

Much better!

I like it so much better!  I’m not totally in love with this.  It’ll either have to grow on me, or I’ll state a do over.

How bad do I think my reject is? This bad.



So you’re the touchy-feely type, huh?


Here you go. The cute little novella, The Very Best Man available in paperback in the next couple of days.  My bet is Wednesday.  It’s a cute, fun, and ‘can you believe this?’ kind of read.  So go, already, poke around in the author’s page I have, check out a sample, see what you think. Then, if you like the sample, you can order the paperback if the smell of ink is your thing.

The cover for “The Very Best Man”

The Very Best ManThis whole having to look at men and their washboard abs for a book cover has been tough!  Hours and hours spent and I didn’t even pick a shirtless guy.  I may have to go back and review why I didn’t pick any of the somewhat nude men for this.

Kidding aside, this cover perfectly shows the sweet and spicy contemporary romance I have planned for release this week.  Let me know what you think about this being a good back of the book blurb:

“Jane Lawson planned everything to the last detail.  When her sister, the maid of honor, flakes out on every task, the best man, David Wells steps up to the job.  He sacrifices his time for cake and wine tasting, dress shopping, and other duties as assigned.

David is in trouble.  Spending time with his childhood friend’s fiance has turned an attraction into love.  He wanted to bow out of the ceremony, but to walk away meant less time spent with Jane.  With no light at the end of this wedding’s tunnel, he’s not willing to give up a single second with her.”

Like it?  Don’t like it?  Nothing is etched in stone so go ahead and tell me!