Tag Archives: The Very Worst Man

There should be a #WackyWednesday!

First of all, I have to admit I’ve been living in a ‘Quil haze this past week.  My usual solid steel immune system has let me down. While my blog has been neglected, nothing else has been. The Very Worst Man is up for preorder with a release date of February 28th. Unfortunate, Daggart’s fate, is at the editor’s, as is Undeniable, getting its makeover in round two of edits. The Very Best Man is getting another polish, too. When writing advice says “Sleep on it,” believe them. You’ll find mistakes from way out in left field.  Also, weigh a good editor, on a scale, and give them that much in gold because they’re worth it. Mine is, and if I earned it, she’d be paid double.

You did catch that The Very Worst Man is up for preorder, right? In case you’re not convinced you NEED this book, here’s a little teaser. Available now at Amazon, everywhere else by the 28th, maybe before then.

TVWM Teaser 2

Notice how I’ve not mentioned Uncivilized? Shhhhhh. I’m finishing it in a marathon session as soon as I can quit snorting Benadryl. Kidding about the snorting, but wish I wasn’t. Mass quantities of meds at this point can only help. I’ll look back on this post and think TMI. Or not. I tend to look forward.

Something in the fun and procrastination department is I’ve started a personal Learning from the Masters series where I take a billion selling book and give it my own what if. Like, what if Christian Grey was a dollaraire instead of a billionaire?

Thus, I present, 50 Shades of Gremlin

He rolled up in the Gremlin and my breath caught. Was it his cold steel eyes or the exhaust fumes choking me? I couldn’t tell. All I knew was my heart raced, seeing him get out of his car. Most of the paint still clung to life on the vehicle, discolored to a light grey from what I assumed had been navy blue.

“Miss Steele,” he said, holding open the door. “You’ll have to slide in from the driver’s side, my passenger’s side is broken.
The sexy growl in his voice convinced me as much as his muscles as they flexed under the tattered flannel shirt he wore when he continued, “I’m good at driving backwards through the drive through, since your window rolls down better than mine.”

A quote for #MondayBlogs

“Now I know the full power of evil. It makes ugliness seem beautiful and goodness seem ugly and weak.” – August Strindberg

Villains.  Who doesn’t love defeating a good bad guy?  Who doesn’t love seeing a bad good guy struggle with his inner demons?

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for Undesirable, planned release is July 4th, the characters for The Very Worst Man have already started giving me their witty one liners.  Their quips bubble to the surface like those mud volcanoes shown on the Science Channel.  Snippets of mean things run through my brain from the bad guy soon followed by clever retorts from the good guy.

I should probably stick to talking about Undesirable, book two in my Oregon Trails series.  I should talk about how Sam and Marie deal with a huge confrontation that’s happening in a few thousand words.  Maybe blog about how fun it will be to write an emotional reaction and how the event spreads ripples through their little community.  I should do that with the subliminal message of “Buy my book.”

However, Alexandra and Hayden’s story is nagging me to no end.  The Very Worst Man picks up a little of where The Very Best Man left off, though both are stand alone.  There’s been some, what, critique?  Complaints?  Suggestions?  Requests, maybe, to have a bit of a WWE smack down on Dave and Jane’s part.  That’s not the kind of people they are, and yet anyone is capable of anything and it might just be fun to write a courtroom fight scene.  I’ll have to see what’s boiling up from my creativity’s depths.