Tag Archives: NaNo

It’s Monday!

Of course, since it’s 1:00am, there’s something I need to do, called ‘sleep.’

After that, though, I’m going to be cranking out words on my next novel, “The Very Best Man.”  It’s a short, sweet, sexy story.  Totally contemporary and it’s really fun.  Sure!  There will be drama, and since the time is more modern, I can get away with adding some serious spice to the story.  This will be a five day to a week detour, then I’m back at work on Undesirable.

Something odd I’ve noticed is how much Dave from “The Very Best Man” and Nick from “Undeniable” resemble each other in past histories and somewhat in looks.  While I’d rather there be variety, especially in my first two self-published books, there’s been a lot of words written between the two heroes.  After I hit my National Novel Writing Month goal of 50K words with “Undeniable”, I hit it a year later with “Undesirable”, and two years  after that with “Uncivilized.”  Then came “The Very Best Man”, the “Supermarket” screenplay, and “Fifty Shades of Chick-fil-a”, a South Park spec script.  These are just the half  to completed works.  There are other ideas with other protagonists, all waiting for me to type up their stories.

This is going to be so much fun!