Tag Archives: American Legion Auxiliary

Christmas contest! #MondayBlogs

First, the normal news:


I’ve been so busy with everything but writing that the books are coming along so slowly! But that’s going to change this month. I have nothing to do but typing and helping the Christmas veterans until the end of the year. Okay, and maybe I’m hosting a little bit of a contest for everyone reading this post! Woo!

Need extra spending money for Christmas?

Click *here* to enter in a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway.

The giveaway ends December 20, 2016.


Beware the Ides of November!

The Very Best Man<-Click me!

Or maybe not beware so much as be aware!  Why?  Because if you wanted The Very Best Man to go on sale, here’s your chance!  Starting November 15th at 8am CST, it’ll be reduced to 99 cents.

November 16th at 8am?  It jumps to $1.99 until November 17th when the story hits its usual price of $2.99

Why a sale on a newly released book?  Because I wanted to see how Amazon’s new promotion setup works.  Maybe not the very best reason, but a fun one anyway.

In other news, November is jam packed with activity, food, and veterans.  Should I mention furious writing?  National Novel Writing Month is something I am participating in this year in an effort to churn out Undesirable, the second in my Oregon Trail Series.  The food part, you’d guess is Thanksgiving, and would be a third of the way to correct.  My husband’s birthday and Veteran’s Day are big food days around here, too.  Mentioning veterans, it’s the month I get busy on finding veterans who need a little extra help at Christmas for our American Legion Auxiliary to help.  There are more who need just the bare necessities and a little bit of our help gives them the chance to get ahead and stop having to live afraid.

I know I’m supposed to be focused on the writing, on informing everyone about my books, and I intend to keep on doing that.  However, if everyone reading this could do a little bit extra for a food pantry this year, that would be awesome.  Yeah, there’s a lot of charities with their hands out, so just pick one you know can deliver the help to who needs it and go with that, no pressure.

In the meantime, I’ll be writing, donating, and appreciating that one guy I married who happens to be a veteran himself.