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Adelard Du Boise disregarded most people’s snap judgments of him. He knew that as a French-Indian, he’d fit in nowhere and everywhere at the same time. When Ellen Winslow captured his mind and heart, Del knew he’d do whatever it took to win her love.

Ellen’s father, step-mother, and two little brothers kept her mind and body busy while headed west. So much so that she didn’t have time or attention to give to a love-sick pest of a savage, no matter how handsome or well mannered he seemed. To her, Del would always be uncivilized.

4 thoughts on “Uncivilized

  1. Andrea

    I ordered Unexpected on my kindle fire today and was shocked when I found I was reading Uncivilized. I was really enjoying it when it abruptly ended while the main character is drowning in the river! WTH?

    1. lauralstapleton Post author

      Hi Andrea! Thank you, and sorry about leaving you hanging, I think. 😉 Unexpected was one of those short stories that I didn’t plan. Plus, it was so short that I wanted to include a sneak preview of Uncivilized as a “try before you buy” and a “But wait! There’s more!” type of thing. Uncivilized is at my editor’s right now getting a makeover and polish. I’ve not announced this publicly yet, but my newsletter subscribers will get Uncivilized for free when I set up the pre orders as a way to thank readers for coming along with me on this saga.


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